
Friday, December 9, 2016

"Cookies for Santa" DIY recipe frame and signs

We all know the importance of leaving cookies and milk for Santa. After all, he has to get hungry while traveling all around the world, right?

This year, I am keeping that tradition alive with this cookie display using Deflecto frames and sign holders. Both of these can be used over and over so that you can display them year after year.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

"Santa Stop Here" sign

Want to make sure Santa pays you a visit? Then make a sign telling him! This quick and easy craft is fun for kids and adults alike.

Materials needed:

  1. Paint sign with red acrylic paint using a foam brush. Allow paint to dry. I am super impatient, so I used a heat gun to speed up the process.  
  2. Stick on the embroidered letters (I like to stagger my letters so that I don't have to worry about them being straight!)
  3. Spray sign with SnoBlast spray. The amount of snow is all based on personal preference; I wanted my letters to really stand out so I just gave my sign a light dusting of "snow", but you can always add more! Also make sure you use this spray outside or you will end up with a covering of "snow" all over your house -- believe me!
  4. Hang and enjoy!
There's no way that Santa will skip your house with this sign, even if you have been naughty!

Happy holidays and happy crafting!